Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Apples and Pumpkins!!!

In August, we said goodbye to "Nana's House". . .

Wide pine floors . . .

Beehive chimney

Ugly floor - but I used to play a game where I could only walk around the kitchen with my foot squarely on a "brick".


Peacock tile from Jerusalem, which Avi and Annette lugged over here in two valises . . ,

Front door latch

Morning-porch window

My heating grate - I spent many an hour curled up over it reading . . .

I love you.

Our annual boardwalk picture-booth picture . . .

Every year we go to the boardwalk, into the arcade, and get our picture taken in the oldest most beat-up black and white picture booth we can find. (How long will it take before you can't even find one at the boardwalk anymore??)

After the Hurricane passed by . . .

You want me to eat what??

Unfortunately, while we were off having fun with Rachel and Michael, Grandma and Grandpa were dealing with a very sick Noah, and suffice it to say it was NOT FUN. (However, we do appreciate it!)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fun in the Sun . . .

I can't believe I am just now getting around to posting these great pictures of our summer vacation (a little late).

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What's a party without cake?

The guests seemed to really enjoy it!


This watertable from Nana and Grandpa was the life of the party . . .

Noah and Grandpa put together the Bike!

(First, they consult the directions)

Then, they use a screwdriver . . .

When it's all done, they have a snack . . . :)

More Playground!