Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Noah smiles for the Camera

Noah is definitely not camera shy!

Noah playing with Hat

Noah has a great sense of humor - I kept putting his winter hat on him and he would laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa come for a visit!

Grandpa Steve and Grandma Max came for a visit this weekend - and we had a great time. They got to see Noah crawling all over the place and play with him. We also went out for many yummy meals (Dim Sum and Sushi - two of Noah's favorites!) and went to the Children's Museum on Sunday. Grandpa Steve proved himself to be a Grandpaparazzi, as the following pictures will attest!

Grandpa and Noah

What's up Grandpa?

Cheek grabbing - my favorite pastime . . .

Hanging out with Grandma

I can get anywhere!!!!

(I exaggerate somewhat - we put him on the table - he cannot (YET) get onto the table himself. I do think the day is fast approaching however when he will be hanging from the rafters like the little monkey that he is).

The Children's Museum, Part II - Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Noah had a great time in the crawler room at the Children's Museum. The wall length mirror was a big hit!

The Children's Museum!

Exploring different shapes . . .

The wonderful world of Soap Bubbles!

On the tatami mat in the Japanese House